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DEADMANDUB-Hueso Seco Mixtape Descarga gratuita

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DEADMANDUB-Hueso Seco Mixtape Descarga gratuita Empty DEADMANDUB-Hueso Seco Mixtape Descarga gratuita

Mensaje  DEADMANDUB 16th Junio 2012, 8:37 pm

DEAD MAN DUB-Hueso Seco Mixtape soundtrack list:
1.-Intro-Perros Callejeros
2.-Chosen Brothers- March down Babylon (Wackie´s 10")
3.-The Inmmortals-Babylon (Don.1 7")
4.-Al Campbell- Every man say (Terminal 7")
5.-Angela Prince-Joker Lover (Channel 1 10")
6.-Cultural Roots- Guetto People (Revolutionary Sounds 7")
7.-General Plough-One more river (Black Originator 7")
8.- Connie Bell-Stop Youth Murder (Conscious sounds 7")
8.-Freddie McKay-Take my hands oh jah (Yah Congo 12")
9.-Eek-a-Mouse-Wicked shall not reigh (Eek-a-Mouse 7")
10.-Steve Baswell-Cool rastaman cool (Archive-7")
11.-Prince Far I-Message from the king (Cry Tuff 7")
12.-Lion Youth: Rat a cut Bottle (Virgo Stomach 12")
13.-Black Uhuru- General Penitentiary Extended (Greensleeves 12")
14.-Interlude-El Club de la Lucha
15.- Bob Skreng -Tek Caution (Roots Garden 7")
16.- Dan I-Tellin u (Imperial Sound Army 7")
17.- Kibir Ka Amlak- Lion Step (Indica Dubs 7")
18.-Dubnext-Mishak Rock (Livication Corner 7")
19.-RebelSteppa-Let Dub Flow (Debtera 7")
20.-Dub Creator feat Lyrical Benjie-Fight to survive vocal dub(Livication Corner 10")
21.-Bunnington Judah- Chant down Babylon dub (riddim pon di corner 10")
22.-Empress Shema-In the house of judah (King Alpha 10")
23.-Junior B-Odissey Dub prt. 2 (Jah Waggy´s 12")
24.-DubZone Crew-Stepping Up (DubZone records 12")
25.-Junior Roots-Unification (Jah Waggy´s 12")
26.-Empress Shema-Warrior Spirit (Roots Temple 12")
27.-Kanka-Dub´in Rome (Dubalistik 12")
28.-Alpha Steppa meets RSD-Dub Empress (Steppa records 12")
29.-High Tone-Keep on fire Iration Steppas Remix dub (High tone dub box 10")
30.-Hatman-Tonka (Jah Militant 12")
31.-outro-El Caballero Oscuro-Agente del Caos.

Cantidad de envíos : 30
Fecha de inscripción : 01/12/2008

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