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Premios de la Academia del Reggae - Jamaica

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Premios de la Academia del Reggae - Jamaica Empty Premios de la Academia del Reggae - Jamaica

Mensaje  Rootikaly 1st Abril 2008, 12:55 am

Reggae Academy Award winners

Best Reggae Song - She's Royal Omar 'Tarrus' Riley

(Songwriter's Award)

Best Solo Male Vocal Performance - She's Royal, Tarrus Riley

Best Solo Female Reggae Vocal Performance - Roots, Etana

Best Reggae Album -

Mind Control, Stephen Marley

Best Instrumental Recording/Album - Making Notes, Robbie Lyn

Best Solo Male Dancehall Vocal Performance - Nah Go A Jail, Busy Signal

Best Female Dancehall Vocal Performance - Chat To Me Back, Lady Saw

Best Dancehall Vocal

(Performance by duo or group) - Love Is Wicked, Brick and Lace

Best Dancehall Album -

Intoxication, Shaggy

Best Dancehall Video - Church Heathen Remix, Jay Will

Breakthrough Reggae Artiste - Tarrus Riley

Best Dancehall Riddim - Tremor, Stephen McGregor

Best Gospel Album - Prodigal Son, Prodigal Son

Best Gospel Song - Can't Stop Now, Kemoy Rowe, William Barclay and Courick Clarke

(Songwriter's Award)

Best Music Producer - Stephen Marley

Best International Reggae/Dancehall Artiste - Collie Budz

Best Reggae Compilation Album - Jamdown Riddim Driven, Delmar Drummond Dangerzone

(Executive Producer's Award)

Best Reggae Video - She's Royal Rupert Campbell

(Video Director's Award)

Best Reggae Recording - She's Royal, Romel Marshall

(Engineer's Award)

Best Reggae Vocal Performance (Duo, Group, Collaboration) -

On My Mind, Da'Ville and Sean Paul

Best Dub Recording or Album - Live As One, Zion Train

Breakthrough Dancehall Artiste - Munga Honourable

Best Reggae Riddim - Guardian Angel, Arif Cooper/Fresh Ear

(Producer's Award)

Best Dancehall Song - Nah Go A Jail Again, Reanno 'Busy Signal' Gordon

(Songwriters' Award)

Best Dancehall Compilation

(two or more artistes) - Tremor Riddim Driven, Stephen McGregor/Big Ship Music

Best Dancehall Recording -

One Loaf a Bread, Damian Marley (Engineer's Award)

Best Solo Male Vocal Gospel - This Place, Prodigal Son


Best Solo Female Gospel Performance - Pray For Peace, Chevelle Franklyn

Best Vocal Gospel Performance

by a group, duo or collaboration -

Ketch A Fyah, Prodigal Son and Jason Mighty

Best Gospel Music Video - Gully People Supen, Andrew Grey

(Video Director's Award)

Most Popular Song - She's Royal, Tarrus Riley (People's Choice Award)

Most Popular Artiste - Beenie Man

Special Awardees

Reggae Trailblazer Award - Chris Blackwell

Reggae Legend Award - Ernie Ranglin

Reggae Icon Award — Bob Marley

Cantidad de envíos : 131
Fecha de inscripción : 02/02/2008

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